Protein Powder

A low fat soy and milk protein food supplements that provides the body with all the essential amino acids. It is soluble, easy to digest protein powder and is quickly absorbed into the body. It contains bioactive isoflavones, which helps in regulating blood cholesterol and boost immunity. It is especially beneficial for the people involved in sports, weights watchers and for general wellness.

One tablespoon (10 grams) of Vestige Protein Powder provides 8.2 grams of protein with all essential amino acids.

Presentation:- 200 grams.
MRP:- Rs. 800.00
Discount Price:- Rs. 685.00

Presentation:- 500 grams.
MRP:- Rs. 1800.00
Discount Price:- Rs. 1600.00

For Requirements,
Email ID:-
Instagram:- vestige4everyone


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